Hi, I am Jennifer Barry.

I am a photographer from New Jersey. I discovered my passion for photography as a young girl, but I had let it go for a long time. In 2017, I rediscovered photography and have been engrossed in it ever since. Photography has given me a new outlook on the world, people, and beauty. I see things I have never really noticed before and find beauty in the most unexpected places. 

I have always been a people person. I adore meeting new folks of all ages from all walks of life. Learning what makes people tick makes my life richer. So it was a natural progression to become interested in portrait photography. Creating portraits sparks a joy inside of me that I had never felt. It is an opportunity to paint a picture of who the subject is in a way that invokes an emotional response. Portraits allow me to share the beauty that lies inside all of the people I capture.




Bergen Magazine

The Front Steps Project

The Front Steps Project